
Randomly select a podcast from any podcast app and try to listen to an unknown show for 10 minutes. Bet many of you decide to jump ship early.

Why? Easy. The majority of podcasts available today are poor to middling. Either the content is confusing or dull, the speakers fail to engage, the sound quality is too low, or the edits snag along disrupting the flow.

It really doesn’t have to be that way. With a bit of planning, insider knowledge, the right tools and techniques, you can produce a vastly superior show.

Here is the truth: many organizations don’t take podcasting seriously. They do a half-assed job, and it shows both in the quality of the show, and the subsequent dwindling listener numbers. By taking a little bit of care and applying a bit of know-how, you can turn people into real fans of your hosts, your message, and your organisation.

Carole Theriault started creating podcast in 2010. Since 2016, she has co-produced, hosted and edited Smashing Security, an award-winning technology podcast that regularly finds itself in Apple’s top 100 technology podcasts. The show recently celebrated its 200th show, and is well over 6 million downloads.

Carole also recently launched Sticky Pickles, a weekly comedy dilemma podcast to help listeners beat the pandemic blues.

-Interviewees can be shy or nervous about being recorded, which can hamper their conversation points.

-Editors without deep industry knowledge can accidentally misedit technical or complex talking points. Worse, they might not spot mistakes made by the speaker

-Sound quality can make or break a audio segment.

-Knowing, engaging, properly edited piece of audio is.